Latest Info on 2021 Spring/Summer Outdoor Track Season

We expect to offer a spring / summer youth track season.  We are late this year compared to prior years in summarizing / sharing any specifics to the NW Flyers community.  The main reason is we are still waiting on the track association, governmental authorities, and school districts to publish what’s available to us in order to organize a season considering COVID-19 restrictions.
We will schedule a NWF coaches meeting

by mid-Jan to discuss what we know at that time.  The USATF Gulf Association (our track association) is expected to present a tentative competition schedule for 2021 around the end of Jan.

Given the uncertainties right now, the season could start a month later (say March) and run a little shorter.  That’s optimistic, not guaranteed.  We will keep everyone posted by team email, twitter, and website.
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