NW Flyers Alumni

Where are they now....

2020-2021 Active Roster College Athletes

cornell bear

Cornell University

1 athlete
Sam Houston

Sam Houston State University

2 athletes
Texas State

Texas State University

2 athletes

Baylor University

1 athlete
Texas A&M

Texas A&M University

2 athletes
eastern university in pennsylvania

Eastern University

1 athlete

Louisiana State University

1 athlete
the university of michigan

The University of Michigan

1 athlete
xavier university of louisiana

Xavier University of Louisiana

2 athletes
the university of oklahoma

The University of Oklahoma

2 athletes
prairie view a&m

Prairie View A&M University

2 athletes
ut tyler

The University of Texas at Tyler

1 athlete

Duke University

1 athlete
LA Tech

Louisiana Tech University

1 athlete
University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky

1 athlete
Texas A&M Commerce

Texas A&M University-Commerce

1 athlete
McMurry in Abilene

McMurry University

1 athlete
Southern Illinois University

Southern Illinois University

1 athlete
Lubbock Christian University (2)

Lubbock Christian University

1 athlete